Primary Photo Editing

Ages 9 – 11

This course is for students who like using software or apps to make their photos look as good as possible.

In this course, students will learn how to use photo-editing software to modify and enhance their own photos, and pick up some advanced techniques and tools. They will edit their photos to merge two photos together, create an artwork and add colour to a black and white photograph.

This course spans 15 hours, 1.5 hours a week for 10 weeks.

Primary Photo-Editing will be running in Term 3, 9am (AWST).

Course costs $199 for the term. Courses are group sessions of 2-5 students.


To capably complete this course, students will need:

  • A device with Internet connection

  • To use the editing software, a computer mouse or trackpad is required

  • Students will be required to download software onto their devices- more information will be given to students before lessons commence. The software options are:

  • Adobe Photoshop Elements- $145

  • GIMP (GNU Image Manipulation Program)- free to download

Curriculum areas covered:

  • Media skills and techniques for a specific purpose

  • Planning, design and presenting for a specific audience

  • Using technical and symbolic skills

  • Analysing media works to explore viewpoints

By the end of this course, students will have a portfolio of over their best edited photographs, and a photography response document. Students will not receive a grade or assessments on tasks.

Weekly themes

Each program consists of its own weekly theme, so that your child has something new to anticipate with each coming week.


Hands-on activities

Our activities are designed to keep your child engaged, whether it’s designing their own animal hybrid or removing some distracting elements from a photo.


Primary Photography


Primary Comics